A computer virus can cause severe issues with your machine, far more quickly than you’d initially think. This makes it especially important to stop using your computer, disconnect it from the internet, and seek out help as soon as you think you may have been infected.

There are numerous signs that your computer could have a virus, including the following:

Unexpected Pop Up Windows

If your computer suddenly starts popping up windows that you aren’t expecting, it tends to be a bad sign. Whether it is telling you that you need to take a specific action, advertising a product, or popping up numerous windows too fast for you to close them, your PC shouldn’t be acting on its own. If you experience unexpected pop up windows, it may be time to reach out to a computer professional to have it evaluated for viruses. A skilled technician can determine the problem and stop it before more damage occurs.

Random Hard Drive Activity

If you notice that your hard drives are spinning up and making a good bit of noise, even when your computer isn’t being used, it’s not a good sign. Your computer shouldn’t be working at its full capacity unless you’re putting it through its paces with video or heavy computer gaming. So, if you’re doing something simple like editing a document, or if you’re not using your computer at all, and you notice that it’s running at full speed, you have a problem. If this happens on an ongoing basis, it may be a sign that you have a virus and need to have your computer evaluated.

Slowed Performance or Malfunctioning
If you notice that your computer is working dramatically slower than usual, or that your peripherals have started to malfunction, it could be a sign that you have a virus. Some viruses cut off access to your USB ports, mouse, keyboard, or the Internet so that they can continue to cause damage to your machine without being removed. If your computer dramatically slows or you lose access to specific parts of it, it’s likely time to call in a professional.

Strange Messages or Emails

If your private message inbox on a social media account, or your email inbox, is full of strange messages, it’s not a good sign. In some situations, viruses will hijack your messaging system and spam out links to friends and family members, encouraging them to continue the virus’s replication. If you notice this type of strange message coming from a contact, you may want to reach out to them to let them know that they have a security issue. You’ll also want to scan your computer, or have a professional scan it for you if you’ve already noticed other symptoms, as well.

If you notice that your computer is behaving strangely, it’s important to seek out help. This may help you avoid damaging your hard drive, your files, or spreading the virus to others. Contact Software Warranty today to learn about your options.